A flu pandemic, such as the one in 1918, occurs when an especially virulent new influenza strain for which there’s little or no immunity appears and spreads quickly from person to person around the globe. The paper concluded that an analysis of data showed that “the decision of keeping the schools of this city open during the recent influenza epidemic was justified.” The city was one of the hardest and earliest hit by the flu, said Dr. Howard Markel, a medical historian and director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan. He was a co-author of the 2010 Public Health Reports article. Today, during the coronavirus pandemic, Americans struggle to foster social interaction while maintaining physical distance. But we have so many tools, like smartphones and social media, that Americans didn’t have a century ago.
- The paper concluded that an analysis of data showed that “the decision of keeping the schools of this city open during the recent influenza epidemic was justified.”
- San Francisco was eventually one of the worst-hit US cities, but Philadelphia was hit hard early on because of a lack of social distancing efforts.
- Dehner says the midwestern city was hit particularly hard by the third wave of the Spanish flu which returned in the late winter and spring of 1919.
- That’s not to say that St. Louis survived the epidemic unharmed.
- He had cerebral palsy and was at risk for disease and he died.
Part of Chicago’s strategy was to ensure that fresh air was circulated. School rooms were overheated during the winter so that windows could remain open at all times, according to a 1918 paper by the Chicago Department of Health. Students weren’t allowed to gather outside school and had to report to their teacher immediately, according to Copeland. Teachers checked students for any signs of the flu, and students who had symptoms were isolated. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. St. Louis Red Cross Motor Corps on duty during the 1918 flu epidemic.
Spanish Flu
This shortage was made worse by the failure to use trained African American nurses. The Chicago chapter of the American Red Cross issued an urgent call for volunteers to help nurse the ill. Philadelphia was hit hard by the pandemic with more than 500 corpses awaiting burial, some for more than a week. Many parts of the U.S. had been drained of physicians and nurses due to calls for military service, so there was a shortage of medical personnel to meet the civilian demand for health care during the 1918 flu pandemic.
As with the 1918 pandemic, the call for help in many areas had been made even to the point of allowing current nursing students to perform duties as an RN. In March of that year, outbreaks of flu-like illness were first detected in the United States. More than 100 soldiers at Camp Funston in Fort Riley Kansas became ill with flu. There were reports of some people dying within 24 hours or less. 1918 flu illness often progressed to organ failure and pneumonia, with pneumonia the cause of death for most of those who died. The average age of those who died during the pandemic was 28 years old.
He didn’t want to take any steps that might create prison forum a panic and interfere with the war effort. For similar reasons, Philadelphia newspapers avoided publishing negative news. In San Francisco, health officials put their full faith behind gauze masks.
And, for any New Yorker who’s ever been awoken in the middle of a night by the loud banging of your radiator that makes your bedroom feel like Florida in August in a matter of minutes, you have the influenza pandemic to blame for that as well. That, along with a surge of new immigrants, helped lead to the Roaring 20s, which included one of the biggest real estate booms in the city’s history and meant developers were scrambling to build as much housing as they could, Draper said. The city’s population grew by nearly 18 percent from 1910 to 1920, from 4.7 million to 5.6 million, according to census records. And there was a huge jump in housing construction — especially in the second quarter of 1926 — to meet that demand, according to a Fordham University research report. 7 See Barro , Correia et al. , Bootsma and Ferguson , Hatchett et al. , and Markel et al. .
Why The 1918 Flu Became ‘america’s Forgotten Pandemic’
All of that death, all around the world, far outnumbered the number of soldiers who died during World War I. My grandfather died from the Spanish flu and struck both my father and uncle as children. My father suffered cardiomyopathy and succumbed to it decades later. Financial struggles where perhaps worse since women had less legal rights and job opportunities that had any semblance of equal pay. My grandmother supported her family through a variety of seamstress jobs and cleaning for those that could afford that luxury.
Here’s What Happened When Students Went To School During The 1918 Pandemic
The Spanish flu pandemic came in three waves beginning in the spring of 1918. The second wave, in the fall of 1918, was the largest by far in terms of total infections and deaths. Overall, the pandemic is estimated to have infected about 25 percent of the U.S. population, or about 25 million people, and killed 675,000 for roughly a 3 percent mortality rate.
The States 1918 Pandemic Shutdown Worked
From the June 28th, 1914, assassination through the end of the decade, inclusive of the War and the horrific 1918 pandemic, U.S. stocks returned around 5.4% annualized. Even so and despite the federal government’s sometimes divisive response, local communities, as in 1918, are fighting this devastating pandemic with teamwork. In Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Sacramento and elsewhere, city councils, school districts, nonprofits, and labor and business groups are working together to meet their communities’ needs. These figures are higher for urban schools that educate more students of color, poor students and immigrants, and come as the pandemic’s economic fallout is already causing districts to cut budgets. A century after Americans learned the importance of investing in school nurses, fewer and fewer schools employ them. Only 60% of schools have a full-time nurse, and about 25% have no nurse at all.
And if a new surge in cases arises, we must be prepared to consider another round of school closures. We must keep our children’s health and welfare as our highest priority, whether they continue to stay at home or go back to school. We have to protect the adults working in these schools and keep them healthy, too. More broadly, we must protect against the risk of infected children, teenagers and college students from potentially infecting Americans at high risk for the ravages of COVID-19. There is no one-size-fits-all plan for all communities or all students of different ages, backgrounds and development.